Watercolor paintings for sale

4,530 Original Paintings For Sale: What is the origin of the[...]

4,530 Original Paintings For Sale:

What is the origin of the Watercolor technique?

The watercolor painting is part with the gouache of the family known as “water-based paints”: the pigments are first found in suspension in water, then are then deposited like sediments on the artist's work. . Its pigments are transparent and therefore let the support appear. It is generally applied on blank paper as a possible complement to prior pencil work. Completed watercolor often gives an impression of simplicity, yet it requires solid technical knowledge in order to be mastered in all its subtleties. Unlike blanket gouache, watercolor is used for its transparent characteristics. More fragile and difficult to keep than other types of paints such as acrylic paint, watercolor paintings need to be exhibited in suitable conditions to preserve their conservation. Note that we rarely speak of a painting for a work painted in watercolor. Samuel Palmer, Richard Parkes Bonington, William Turner are among the most influential watercolorists in the history of Art.

Looking for Original paintings for sale?

Explore all styles and all painting techniques: contemporary paintings, street art, abstract art, figurative art, landscapes, portraits, still lifes, nudes, watercolor, oil painting, acrylic painting… Artmajeur is for everyone artistic sensibilities and celebrates beauty by your side for 20 years with more than 2 million contemporary works of art to discover ... or acquire! The world benchmark for contemporary paintings. Discover works by contemporary artists from around the world to decorate your interior with class! Simple art lover or confirmed collector? Find the favorite canvas or painting that will truly enhance your decoration. Artmajeur offers you original works, limited editions and art prints by the best contemporary artists in the world. On Artmajeur, the paintings are selected by enthusiasts and experts in the art market. We select for you the original works of trendy, award-winning and recognized painters as well as new rising values in the field of contemporary art to guide you and help you in your process of buying paintings online.

How to buy a watercolor painting online?

Buying a Watercolor Painting Online has never been easier. Today, more people are taking up the art form and are using various mediums to create beautiful works of art. From pencils and pastels to paints and watercolors, people have been trying their hand at all sorts of art mediums, mainly canvas and paper sheet. However, with watercolor painting, the possibilities are endless. Artists can use acrylic paints to create a beautiful, intricate sketch, or they can use watercolor to paint a scene in their home. Whatever they wish to do with watercolor, it can be done.

There are so many benefits to buying a watercolor painting online. The first benefit is that anyone of any age can browse the web to find the best watercolor painting. These paintings can be used for decorative purposes and also to offer as gifts. Of course, it is always best to buy a watercolor painting online from an established and well-known website. This way, you will be able to get a quality work of art for your home or office. The second great benefit to buying a watercolor painting online is that you will be able to browse through a wide variety of artwork that has been created by well-known and talented artists.

With many websites offering a wide selection of artwork, it is not hard at all to find a piece that you want. Once you buy a watercolor painting online, you will be able to take your time and view all the different types of watercolor paintings that are available on the Internet. Some sites may even allow you to download a sample of several kinds of art work for you to choose from. So, if you ever need a unique and exciting way to decorate your home or office, then you should definitely consider buying a watercolor painting online.

Paintings in watercolor are a great way to bring color into your home. If you’re having trouble figuring out what would look best on the wall, shop online and buy something that catches your eye - it might be just perfect for framing up as soon as it arrives!

Paintings in watercolor have been around before oil or acrylic paintings, which means they can last centuries if properly cared for. They also come with an unusual depth of colors because different pigments mix together instead of staying separated like oil paints do, so there's always plenty more experimentation possibilities than regular paintings offer. You can buy a cityscape, landscape or portrait painted with watercolors from a professional artist or an emerging artist.

You might have heard of the new trend of people buying their favorite paintings online. The advantage over visiting a gallery is that you get to see  a large choice of artworks on the internet today. So before actually purchasing any artwork, it would be advisable to take your time and research the market thoroughly. Here are a few points that you should keep in mind while searching for artwork online.

  • Identify the right place. A good starting point is to visit online forums that discuss about art galleries and paintings. Look for information regarding the reputed online sellers. There are many reputed sites that provide good value for money. You can also make use of feedback and reviews that are found on websites.
  • Check out the condition of the painting. Make sure that the canvas is in good condition and is not damaged. You can buy a watercolor painting from any site, but it is better to check the condition of the work carefully before placing an order. You can even send the seller/website a message to find out whether the work is as described or not. If the art has been damaged in any way, then return the piece immediately.
  • It is advised that you buy from reputed and professional sellers. Art galleries have their own policies regarding trades and transactions. Read their terms and conditions before entering into a deal. A professional art expert will be able to advise you on any matter.
  • Make sure that the online gallery has been operating for a long time. Reputed online art galleries will have a good reputation and will have many regular clients. Check out the portfolio of the seller and ensure that the works shown in the online gallery are original paintings.

While buying a watercolor painting, the buyer must keep in mind a few tips that can help him make his task easier. Buying paintings from an online platform will allow you to do extensive research on the subject. You will get to know about different types of artists, different techniques and the background and tradition of the technique used in a painting. You can also get valuable tips and advice about buying a watercolor painting. It is recommended that buyers should buy from reputed dealers and galleries.

  •  Before making the payment, you must look at all the online sellers and galleries carefully and choose one that suits your purpose. Some sellers will be selling their paintings either at a cheap price or at an expensive price. It is recommended that you shop around and compare prices before making the decision to buy a particular piece. 
  •  Before buying a watercolor painting, it is important that you find out the history of the painting. You should learn about the artist and what kind of paintings he is known for. In case of unpopular artists, if you are satisfied with the painting then follow your instinct, then you can make the payment and get your purchase.

Overall, it can be said that buying a watercolor painting online is quite easy. You should always look at all the sellers carefully and then decide whether to buy or not. Do not be in haste while buying a painting, and take your time to analyze all the available options before making the final decision. 

At Artmajeur, you can browse over thousands of watercolor paintings and contact our customer service support to help you to find the best choice!

Discover contemporary Artworks on Artmajeur

Contemporary art is a vibrant constellation of artistic expressions. This creative universe encompasses a wide array of mediums, from paintings, sculpture, and photography to drawing, printmaking, textile art, and digital art, each medium a star shining with its own distinct radiance. Artists use diverse supports and materials to bring their visions to life, such as canvas, wood, metal, and even innovative digital canvases for the creation of virtual masterpieces

A contemporary painting, for instance, may weave its story through the masterful strokes of acrylic or oil, while a contemporary sculpture might sing its song in the language of stone, bronze, or found objects. The photographic arts capture and manipulate light to produce striking images, while printmaking employs techniques like lithography and screen-printing to produce multiples of a single, impactful image. Textile art plays with fabrics and fibers, whereas digital art pushes the boundaries of creation with innovative technology. 

The allure of contemporary art lies in its boundary-pushing nature, its relentless quest for experimentation and its constant reflection of the evolving human experience. This boundless creativity, coupled with its strong social and personal commentary, makes every piece of contemporary art a unique emblem of its time, a mirror held up to the realities and dreams of our complex world. It whispers to us, moves us, provokes thought, and kindles a deep emotional response, stirring the soul of anyone willing to listen. It is, indeed, the language of emotions and ideas, spoken in the dialect of our era.

Painting,  21x29.7 cm
La rue Painting, 21x29.7 cm
©2023 Arnaud De La Tour

Origins and history of contemporary art

The story of contemporary art unfolds in the mid-20th century, marked by seismic shifts in artistic expression. Post-World War II, around the 1950s and 1960s, artists began experimenting beyond traditional confines, challenging the norms of what art could be. This revolutionary epoch birthed myriad new movements and artistic forms such as abstract expressionism, pop art, and minimalism. Paintings, once confined by realism, embraced abstraction, as artists used color and form to express emotions and ideas. Notable periods like the advent of pop art in the late 1950s and early 1960s saw artworks mimicking popular culture and mass media, reflecting society’s shifting focus.

The sculptural arts, too, witnessed a metamorphosis. Sculptors started to experiment with new materials and forms, often creating artworks that interacted with the viewer and the surrounding space, fostering a sense of engagement. Drawing, a timeless practice, also evolved, with artists incorporating innovative techniques and concepts to redefine its role in contemporary art.

Photography, a relatively new medium, emerged as a powerful tool in the contemporary art landscape. Born in the 19th century, it truly came into its own in the latter half of the 20th century, blurring the lines between fine art and documentation. Printmaking, a practice dating back to ancient times, saw renewed interest and experimentation with techniques like lithography, etching, and screen printing gaining prominence.

The realm of textile art expanded dramatically, as artists began to appreciate the versatility and tactile quality of fabric and fibers. Artists began using textiles to challenge the boundaries between fine art, craft, and design. 

The dawn of digital technology in the late 20th century heralded a new age for contemporary art. Digital art emerged as artists started leveraging new technologies to create immersive, interactive experiences, often blurring the line between the virtual and the physical world.

Through these transformative periods, the essence of contemporary art has remained the same: a dynamic, evolving reflection of the times we live in, continually pushing boundaries and embracing the new, always questioning, always exploring.

Painting,  30x40 cm
Szczęście, piękno i miłość - piwonie Painting, 30x40 cm
©2024 Ana Smarz

Evolutions of theses contemporary works in the art market

As we navigate through the 21st century, the dynamic landscape of contemporary art continues to evolve and expand, reflecting our ever-changing world. Contemporary paintings, once primarily confined to two-dimensional canvases, now embrace a multitude of forms and techniques, ranging from mixed media installations to digital creations, each piece a rich a weaving of thoughts, emotions, and narratives. Sculpture, too, has ventured far beyond traditional stone and bronze, with artists incorporating light, sound, and even motion, embodying the ephemerality and flux of the modern world.

Photography, in the hands of Contemporary Artists, has expanded its horizons, seamlessly blending with digital technology to create breathtaking imagery that challenges our perception of reality. Drawing, as well, has transcended the borders of paper, incorporating multimedia elements and exploratory techniques to redefine its role in the artistic discourse. Printmaking continues to flourish, with contemporary artists using traditional methods in innovative ways to deliver potent social and personal commentaries.

Textile art, once considered a craft, now holds a prominent place in the contemporary art world, with artists using it to explore issues of identity, tradition, and cultural heritage. Meanwhile, digital art, the newest member of the contemporary art family, has revolutionized the way we create and interact with art, presenting immersive experiences that blur the boundary between the virtual and the physical.

These diverse forms of contemporary art hold significant value in the current art market, not only due to their aesthetic appeal but also their ability to encapsulate and communicate complex ideas and emotions. Collectors, curators, and art lovers worldwide seek these works, drawn to their inherent dynamism, their innovative use of materials, and their eloquent expressions of our shared human experience. As a testimonial to our times, these contemporary artworks encapsulate the pulse of our society and the resonance of individual voices, forever etching our collective narrative into the annals of art history.

Painting,  56x76 cm
Cones Painting, 56x76 cm
©2023 Alla Rasskazova

Famous Contemporary Artists

As we delve into the vibrant realm of contemporary art, we encounter an array of artists who shape this dynamic field. Each a master in their medium - painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, printmaking, textile, or digital art - they push artistic boundaries, reflecting our era and challenging perceptions. Let’s explore these remarkable contributors and their groundbreaking works.

1. Gerhard Richter - Known for his multi-faceted approach to painting, Richter challenges the boundaries of the medium, masterfully oscillating between abstract and photorealistic styles. His works, whether featuring squeegee-pulled pigments or blurred photographic images, engage in a fascinating dialogue with perception.

2. Jeff Koons - A significant figure in contemporary sculpture, Koons crafts monumental pieces that explore themes of consumerism, taste, and popular culture. His iconic balloon animals, constructed in mirror-polished stainless steel, captivate with their playful yet profound commentary.

3. Cindy Sherman - An acclaimed photographer, Sherman uses her lens to explore identity and societal roles, particularly of women. Renowned for her conceptual self-portraits, she assumes myriad characters, pushing the boundaries of photography as a medium of artistic expression.

4. David Hockney - Hockney, with his prolific output spanning six decades, is a pivotal figure in contemporary drawing. His bold use of color and playful exploration of perspective convey an intoxicating sense of joy and an unabashed celebration of life.

5. Kiki Smith - An innovative printmaker, Smith’s work explores the human condition, particularly the female body and its social and cultural connotations. Her etchings and lithographs speak to universal experiences of life, death, and transformation.

6. El Anatsui - A master of textile art, Anatsui creates stunning tapestry-like installations from discarded bottle caps and aluminum scraps. These shimmering, flexible sculptures blend traditional African aesthetic with contemporary art sensibilities, speaking to themes of consumption, waste, and the interconnectedness of our world.

7. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - A leading figure in digital art, Lozano-Hemmer utilizes technology to create interactive installations that blend architecture and performance art. His work, often participatory in nature, explores themes of surveillance, privacy, and the relationship between people and their environments.

Painting,  62x42 cm
VALENTINA Painting, 62x42 cm
©2024 Tvdp Aquarelliste

Notable contemporary artworks

The contemporary art landscape is a dynamic patchwork of diverse expressions and groundbreaking ideas, each artwork a unique dialog with its audience. Here are a selection of some renowned contemporary artworks, spanning various media such as painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, printmaking, textile art, and digital art, that have profoundly influenced this vibrant movement.

  1. "Cloud Gate" by Anish Kapoor, 2006 - This monumental stainless steel sculpture, also known as "The Bean," mirrors and distorts the Chicago skyline and onlookers in its seamless, liquid-like surface, creating an interactive experience that blurs the line between the artwork and the viewer.

  2. "Marilyn Diptych" by Andy Warhol, 1962 - An iconic piece of pop art, this silkscreen painting features fifty images of Marilyn Monroe. Half brightly colored, half in black and white, it reflects the dichotomy of celebrity life and its influence on popular culture.

  3. "Rhein II" by Andreas Gursky, 1999 - This photographic artwork, a digitally-altered image of the Rhine River, is celebrated for its minimalist aesthetic. It strips the landscape to its bare essentials, invoking a sense of tranquility and vastness.

  4. "Black Square" by Kazimir Malevich, 1915 - A revolutionary painting in the realm of abstract art, this piece, featuring nothing more than a black square on a white field, challenges traditional notions of representation, symbolizing a new era in artistic expression.

  5. "Puppy" by Jeff Koons, 1992 - This giant sculpture, a West Highland Terrier blanketed in flowering plants, explores themes of innocence, consumer culture, and the interplay between high art and kitsch. It’s a delightful blend of traditional sculpture and garden craft.

  6. "Re-projection: Hoerengracht" by Ed and Nancy Kienholz, 1983-1988 - A room-sized tableau representing Amsterdam’s red-light district, this work combines elements of sculpture, painting, lighting, and found objects. It engages viewers in a stark commentary on commodification and objectification.

  7. "Untitled" (Your body is a battleground) by Barbara Kruger, 1989 - This photomontage, combining black-and-white photography with impactful text, explores issues of feminism, identity, and power. Its potent, confrontational message is a prime example of the power of text in contemporary visual art.

  8. "For the Love of God" by Damien Hirst, 2007 - This sculpture, a platinum cast of a human skull encrusted with 8,601 diamonds, probes themes of mortality, value, and the human fascination with luxury and decadence. It’s a compelling blend of macabre and magnificence.

  9. "Physical impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" by Damien Hirst, 1991 - This artwork, featuring a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde, blurs the line between traditional sculpture and biological specimen. It prompts viewers to contemplate mortality and nature’s ferocity.

  10. "One and Three Chairs" by Joseph Kosuth, 1965 - A piece of conceptual art, it presents a physical chair, a photograph of a chair, and a dictionary definition of a chair, thus exploring the relationship between language, picture, and referent in art.

These pieces, in their diversity, exemplify the rich tapestry of contemporary art, each piece a unique commentary on our world and a testament to the limitless potential of creative expression.

Painting titled "La rue" by Arnaud De La Tour, Original Artwork, Watercolor
La rue - Painting, 21x29.7 cm ©2023 by Arnaud De La Tour - Fauvism, fauvism-942, City

Arnaud De La Tour

"La rue"

Watercolor on Paper | 21x29.7 cm

Painting titled "VALENTINA" by Tvdp Aquarelliste, Original Artwork, Watercolor
VALENTINA - Painting, 62x42 cm ©2024 by Tvdp Aquarelliste - Figurative, figurative-594, Women Portraits

Tvdp Aquarelliste


Watercolor on Paper | 62x42 cm

Painting titled "On the verge of." by Nataliia Savchuk, Original Artwork, Watercolor
On the verge of. - Painting, 47x36 cm ©2022 by Nataliia Savchuk - Figurative, figurative-594, War, nowar, war, kyiv, watercolor, watercolorpainting, portrait, ukraine, ukrainewar, watercolorportrait, facepaint, artportrait, stopwar, watercolorart

Nataliia Savchuk

"On the verge of."

Watercolor on Cardboard | 47x36 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "L'asperge. L'artich…" by Victoria Girerd, Original Artwork, Watercolor
L'asperge. L'artichaut. L'oignon. Set de 3 aquarelles. - Painting, 19.5x44.4 cm ©2024 by Victoria Girerd - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Still life, asperge, oignon, artichaut, vert, légume

Victoria Girerd

"L'asperge. L'artichaut. L'oignon. Set de 3 aquarelles."

Watercolor on Paper | 19.5x44.4 cm

Painting titled "Le petit train de L…" by Catherine Dufrene (Katy), Original Artwork, Watercolor
Le petit train de La Mure - Painting, 24x30 cm ©2024 by Catherine Dufrene (Katy) - Figurative, figurative-594, Mountainscape

Catherine Dufrene (Katy)

"Le petit train de La Mure"

Watercolor on Paper | 24x30 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "villages des Pyréné…" by Navema, Original Artwork, Watercolor
villages des Pyrénées II - Painting, 40x50 cm ©2023 by Navema - Figurative, figurative-594, Landscape, montagne, paysage de montagne, neige, village de montagne, pyrénées atlantiques


"villages des Pyrénées II"

Watercolor on Paper | 40x50 cm

Painting titled "MOUTONS SE REPAISSA…" by Jacques Tafforeau, Original Artwork, Watercolor
MOUTONS SE REPAISSANT DE LICHEN - Painting, 35x45 cm ©2024 by Jacques Tafforeau - Figurative, figurative-594, Nature

Jacques Tafforeau


Watercolor on Paper | 35x45 cm

Painting titled "Undersea world #14" by Eugenia Gorbacheva, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Undersea world #14 - Painting, 41x31 cm ©2023 by Eugenia Gorbacheva - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Seascape, watercolor, sea, seascape, sun, sun rays, rays, undersea world, corals, nature, fish, plans, turquoise, present, gif for him, watercolour

Eugenia Gorbacheva

"Undersea world #14"

Watercolor on Paper | 41x31 cm

Painting titled "Tram in Prague" by Goran Žigolić (watercolors), Original Artwork, Watercolor
Tram in Prague - Painting, 27x37 cm ©2024 by Goran Žigolić (watercolors) - Figurative, figurative-594, City, prague cityscape painting, painting of old tram, tram in prague, praha painting, prague watercolour painting

Goran Žigolić (watercolors)

"Tram in Prague"

Watercolor on Paper | 27x37 cm

Painting titled "Genuine" by Leyla Zhunus, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Genuine - Painting, 30x21 cm ©2024 by Leyla Zhunus - Figurative, figurative-594, Men portraits, original painting, wall art, asian man painting, grunge painting, male art, male painting, man watercolor painting, cute asian guy portrait, cute asian boy portrait, handsome guy portrait, asian student portrait

Leyla Zhunus


Watercolor on Paper | 30x21 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Alerta" by Inês Dourado, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Alerta - Painting, 29.5x21 cm ©2024 by Inês Dourado - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, watercolor, watercolorpainting, birds, aguarela, pássaros, owls, corujas, mochos

Inês Dourado


Watercolor on Paper | 29.5x21 cm

Painting titled "Numéro 6" by Julia Pavard, Original Artwork, Watercolor Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Numéro 6 - Painting, 40x40 cm ©2024 by Julia Pavard -

Julia Pavard

"Numéro 6"

Watercolor on Canvas | 40x40 cm

Painting titled "Szczęście, piękno i…" by Ana Smarz, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Szczęście, piękno i miłość - piwonie - Painting, 30x40 cm ©2024 by Ana Smarz - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Flower, piwonie, kwiaty, miłość

Ana Smarz

"Szczęście, piękno i miłość - piwonie"

Watercolor on Cardboard | 30x40 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Aufbruch" by Thomas Wagner, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Aufbruch - Painting, 57x38 cm ©2023 by Thomas Wagner - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, Aquarell, Original, handsigniert, modern, stilisiert, abstrakt, Landschaft, Mond

Thomas Wagner


Watercolor on Paper | 57x38 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Frozen Misty Morning" by Herscovitch Larry, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Frozen Misty Morning - Painting, 24.1x31.8 cm ©2024 by Herscovitch Larry - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Everyday Life, watercolour, watercolor, mist, fog, frozen, lakeontario

Herscovitch Larry

"Frozen Misty Morning"

Watercolor on Paper | 24.1x31.8 cm

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Льодяний виноград" by Anna Mahova, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Льодяний виноград - Painting, 21x14.6 cm ©2024 by Anna Mahova - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Tree

Anna Mahova

"Льодяний виноград"

Watercolor on Paper | 21x14.6 cm

Painting titled "Peaches under water" by Daria Kamishanova, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Peaches under water - Painting, 36x26 cm ©2024 by Daria Kamishanova - Figurative, figurative-594, Still life, Watercolor painting, watercolor on paper, Cotton Watercolor Paper, Fruit Series, Warmth Through Art, Light And Contrast, Original Painting, Abundance And Warmth, Juicy Fruit, peaches, Peaches Under Water, Aquatic Scene

Daria Kamishanova

"Peaches under water"

Watercolor on Paper | 36x26 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Recline (Aquarelle…" by Vincent Champion-Ercoli, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Recline (Aquarelle - Composition -Juillet 2013) - Painting, 30.3x22.8 cm ©2013 by Vincent Champion-Ercoli - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract

Vincent Champion-Ercoli

"Recline (Aquarelle - Composition -Juillet 2013)"

Watercolor on Paper | 30.3x22.8 cm

Painting titled ""Moonlight" fairy t…" by Ksenia Selianko, Original Artwork, Watercolor
"Moonlight" fairy tale illustration on black background - Painting, 29.5x21 cm ©2018 by Ksenia Selianko - Illustration, illustration-600, Fairytale, fairy forest, crescent moon, shimmering colours, trees, night landscape, metalic paint, night lights, contrast, romantic, phantom

Ksenia Selianko

""Moonlight" fairy tale illustration on black background"

Watercolor on Paper | 29.5x21 cm

Painting titled "El líder y su Halcón" by Vilmos Szöts, Original Artwork, Watercolor
El líder y su Halcón - Painting, 65x65 cm ©1968 by Vilmos Szöts - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Colorful

Vilmos Szöts

"El líder y su Halcón"

Watercolor on Cardboard | 65x65 cm

Painting titled "Emerald Lake" by Gurvan Beubry, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Emerald Lake - Painting, 20x13 cm ©2020 by Gurvan Beubry - Illustration, illustration-600, Mountainscape, canada, yoho, national, park, rockies, rocheuses, montagne, lac, foret, pin, nature, sauvage, sapin, tronc, arbres

Gurvan Beubry

"Emerald Lake"

Watercolor | 20x13 cm

Painting titled "Puissance du va'a" by Lehms, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Puissance du va'a - Painting, 30x21 cm ©2021 by Lehms - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract


"Puissance du va'a"

Watercolor on Paper | 30x21 cm

Painting titled "23 / LII  Drei Brüd…" by Ulli Heupel, Original Artwork, Watercolor
23 / LII Drei Brüder - Painting, 65x50 cm ©2023 by Ulli Heupel - Figurative, figurative-594, Abstract, Bruder, Brüder, Zusammenhalt, Vertrauen, Farben, Fantasie, Phantasy

Ulli Heupel

"23 / LII Drei Brüder"

Watercolor on Paper | 65x50 cm

Painting titled "Early spring" by Yuliya Kachan, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Early spring - Painting, 56x38 cm ©2023 by Yuliya Kachan - Figurative, figurative-594, City, cityscape, spring city, city scene, city yard, erly spring landscape, cloudy landscape, landscape in pale colors, earth colors, expressive cityscape, trendy landscape, trendy cityscape, beautiful interior painting, interior watercolor painting, aquarelle painting, realistic watercolor

Yuliya Kachan

"Early spring"

Watercolor on Paper | 56x38 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Cones" by Alla Rasskazova, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Cones - Painting, 56x76 cm ©2023 by Alla Rasskazova - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Tree, cones, botanical

Alla Rasskazova


Watercolor on Paper | 56x76 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Lapo" by Lucio Forte, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Lapo - Painting, 41x31 cm ©2019 by Lucio Forte - Illustration, illustration-600, Dog, Dog, carpet, ears

Lucio Forte


Watercolor on Paper | 41x31 cm

Painting titled "Amanecer industrial" by Benilde, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Amanecer industrial - Painting, 31x41 cm ©2024 by Benilde - Figurative, figurative-594, Landscape, paisaje, acuarela, aquarelle, watercolor, watercolour, Benilde, paysage, industriel, industrial, humo


"Amanecer industrial"

Watercolor on Paper | 31x41 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Sunset. Aquarell." by Gerry Miller, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Sunset. Aquarell. - Painting, 21x30 cm ©2024 by Gerry Miller - Figurative, figurative-594, Female nudes, ude, nudes, reclining, sunset, sundown, yellow, woman, lady, figure, figurative

Gerry Miller

"Sunset. Aquarell."

Watercolor on Paper | 21x30 cm

Painting titled "BFF" by Metka Gelt, Original Artwork, Watercolor
BFF - Painting, 29.7x21 cm ©2024 by Metka Gelt - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, flower, floral, botanic, nature, ladybug, polka dots, vivid

Metka Gelt


Watercolor on Paper | 29.7x21 cm

Painting titled "Una sedia un tavolo…" by Vincenzo (Enzo) Forletta, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Una sedia un tavolo un vaso - Painting, 30x25 cm ©2023 by Vincenzo (Enzo) Forletta -

Vincenzo (Enzo) Forletta

"Una sedia un tavolo un vaso"

Watercolor on Cardboard | 30x25 cm

On Request Prints from HK$209.65
Painting titled "La dame sur vert" by Decastro, Original Artwork, Watercolor
La dame sur vert - Painting, 28x21 cm ©2024 by Decastro - Figurative, figurative-594, Erotic Nudes


"La dame sur vert"

Watercolor on Paper | 28x21 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "SWEET SAKURA" by Ieva Graudina (IGraudinaArt), Original Artwork, Watercolor
SWEET SAKURA - Painting, 30x20 cm ©2024 by Ieva Graudina (IGraudinaArt) - Illustration, illustration-600, Flower, sakura watercolor, sakura painting, sakura blooming, cherry blossoms, a4 size painting, small painting, watercolor floral, pink flowers, cherry blooming, sakura art

Ieva Graudina (IGraudinaArt)


Watercolor on Paper | 30x20 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Mini Original Paint…" by Mila Romanova, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Mini Original Painting "Lynx" - Painting, 8.9x6.4 cm ©2021 by Mila Romanova - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, aceo, lynx, aceo original, mini painting, wild animals, aceo art, original painting, ATC, aceo animals, watercolor, watercolor painting, cards, cards collection, aceo cards

Mila Romanova

"Mini Original Painting "Lynx""

Watercolor on Cardboard | 8.9x6.4 cm

Prints available
Painting titled "Chemins et directio…" by Carine Berbain, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Chemins et directions - Painting, 40.6x29.7 cm ©2023 by Carine Berbain - Figurative, figurative-594, Women Portraits, sérénité, femme, paisible, sensualité, simplicité, sentiment, poème, douceur, geste

Carine Berbain

"Chemins et directions"

Watercolor on Paper | 40.6x29.7 cm

Painting titled "Tulips study 1" by Liliia Pilikina, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Tulips study 1 - Painting, 29.7x21 cm ©2023 by Liliia Pilikina - Figurative, figurative-594, Flower, tulips, pink, green, fresh, spring, flowers, watercolor, study, etude, botanical painting, plant

Liliia Pilikina

"Tulips study 1"

Watercolor on Paper | 29.7x21 cm

Painting titled "Abstraction 2-2025" by Ghislaine Rimmen-Mohl, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Abstraction 2-2025 - Painting, 39x29 cm ©2024 by Ghislaine Rimmen-Mohl - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract

Ghislaine Rimmen-Mohl

"Abstraction 2-2025"

Watercolor on Paper | 39x29 cm



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